Vegetarian Meals

I never really thought that any of the barbarian boys would be vegetarians but two of them have decided that they don’t eat meat anymore. The littlest barbarian, age not height, has been joined by the biggest barbarian, age not height. Both have chosen to be vegetarian for different reasons. After some trial and error with meat substitutes we have settled into a reasonably healthy no meat eating compromise. I cook them a vegetarian version of what we are eating, and they eat something besides baked beans or cheese on toast.

I am surprised by how few gluten free options there are for vegetarians, the majority of no meat substitutes have been bulked out with wheat starch. While our household isn’t one hundred percent gluten free, we have rules in place to prevent cross contamination, and a cupboard in the garage where the boys keep biscuits and things that are not allowed in my kitchen. I have no intention of introducing gluten because it would appear that coeliacs can’t be vegetarian! I am going to have to experiment with making sausages from vegetables and making more than the odd falafel burger.

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